4 Articles

In the intricate world of construction, Trace Group Hold stands as a beacon of excellence across Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, and Greece. Recognizing the need for a unified and robust system to manage its growing complexities, Trace Group Hold partnered with Plana Solutions to implement the PLANA Business Cloud ERP system. This transformative journey revolutionized their operations, integrating accounting, finance, HR, document management, project procurement, real-time inventory management, sophisticated asset management, attendance tracking, and financial consolidation.

A Technology-Driven Transformation in Bulgarian's largest construction company
A Technology-Driven Transformation in Bulgarian's largest construction company

"Focus on future-proofing: "Digital transformation will allow us to leverage technology to improve efficiency, collaboration, and decision-making, ensuring we remain competitive in the ever-evolving construction landscape."

- Eng. Boyan Delchev, CEO, TRACE

Comac Medical, Bulgaria's top clinical research company, streamlined operations and boosted productivity by implementing PLANA. The strategic planning and integration led to enhanced efficiency and compliance, showcasing a successful transformation in their operational processes.

Comac Medical boosts efficiency and financial control with PLANA Business Cloud
Comac Medical boosts efficiency and financial control with PLANA Business Cloud

"I am thrilled to share our positive experience implementing the PLANA Business Cloud. Streamlining our financial processes and gaining real-time data visibility has been instrumental in our continued growth and success."

- Vladimir Goranov, CFO, Comac Medical - Ltd.

Metacom, a prominent Bulgarian metal importer and trader, faced challenges with disconnected systems and limited data visibility. PLANA Business Cloud integrated their operations, improved efficiency, and provided real-time insights. Now, Metacom makes data-driven decisions and enjoys streamlined assembly line operations.

From Disconnected to Data-Driven: How PLANA Business Cloud Empowered Metacom
From Disconnected to Data-Driven: How PLANA Business Cloud Empowered Metacom

"Plana has been a game-changer for our business. The integrated platform has improved our efficiency and data visibility, allowing us to make better decisions. We are confident that PLANA Business Cloud will continue to be a key driver of our success as we grow"

- Mario Dimitrov, CEO, Metacom Co - Ltd.

Aircon, importer and trader of industrial equipment and air conditioning systems in Germany, confronted operational inefficiencies stemming from fragmented processes and outdated systems. Seeking a comprehensive solution to unify their operations, Aircon engaged Plana Solutions, a leading tech firm, to implement an end-to-end ERP system.

Transforming Operations with PLANA Business Cloud at Aircon
Transforming Operations with PLANA Business Cloud at Aircon

"Experience the journey of Aircon, where operational chaos transformed into streamlined success with Plana. From frustration to efficiency, witness how our partnership revolutionized their operations, empowering them to deliver exceptional service and thrive in their industry"

- Nikola Dermendzhiev, CEO, AIRCON Gastro und Ladenbau GmbH