In the intricate world of construction, Trace Group Hold stands as a beacon of excellence across Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, and Greece. Recognizing the need for a unified and robust system to manage its growing complexities, Trace Group Hold partnered with Plana Solutions to implement the PLANA Business Cloud ERP system. This transformative journey revolutionized their operations, integrating accounting, finance, HR, document management, project procurement, real-time inventory management, sophisticated asset management, attendance tracking, and financial consolidation.

A Technology-Driven Transformation in Bulgarian's largest construction company
A Technology-Driven Transformation in Bulgarian's largest construction company

"Focus on future-proofing: "Digital transformation will allow us to leverage technology to improve efficiency, collaboration, and decision-making, ensuring we remain competitive in the ever-evolving construction landscape."

- Eng. Boyan Delchev, CEO, TRACE

Evrotrust Tehnologies Ltd., a Bulgarian FinTech company, embarked on a project to modernize their accounting operations and enhance customer service. They achieved this by implementing PLANA t-core one, automating core accounting tasks and establishing a customer portal.

Automating for Efficiency: How Evrotrust leveraged an ERP System to transform their accounting operations
Automating for Efficiency: How Evrotrust leveraged an ERP System to transform their accounting operations

"Prior to implementing the ERP system, our accounting processes were manual and time-consuming, leading to inefficiencies and potential errors"

- Rumen Goranov, CFO, Evrotrust Technologies - Jsc.

Comac Medical, Bulgaria's top clinical research company, streamlined operations and boosted productivity by implementing PLANA. The strategic planning and integration led to enhanced efficiency and compliance, showcasing a successful transformation in their operational processes.

Comac Medical boosts efficiency and financial control with PLANA Business Cloud
Comac Medical boosts efficiency and financial control with PLANA Business Cloud

"I am thrilled to share our positive experience implementing the PLANA Business Cloud. Streamlining our financial processes and gaining real-time data visibility has been instrumental in our continued growth and success."

- Vladimir Goranov, CFO, Comac Medical - Ltd.

Payhawk is a financial technology company that provides an all-in-one expense management platform for businesses. It integrates corporate cards, expense management, invoice processing, and accounting automation, helping companies streamline financial operations and gain better control over their expenses. Discover how we revolutionize expense management. By implementing a powerful integration between Payhawk and Odoo we reduced manual work, accelerated approvals, and provided deeper insights into spending patterns, ultimately leading to cost savings and a more efficient accounting in all departments.

From Manual to Magic: Automating Accounting with Payhawk and Plana
From Manual to Magic: Automating Accounting with Payhawk and Plana

"ERP integrations are all about breaking down data silos and fostering collaboration between departments. The success of this project hinged on close collaboration between finance and other departments."

- Oggy Shopov, Director of Partnerships, Payhawk

Metacom, a prominent Bulgarian metal importer and trader, faced challenges with disconnected systems and limited data visibility. PLANA Business Cloud integrated their operations, improved efficiency, and provided real-time insights. Now, Metacom makes data-driven decisions and enjoys streamlined assembly line operations.

From Disconnected to Data-Driven: How PLANA Business Cloud Empowered Metacom
From Disconnected to Data-Driven: How PLANA Business Cloud Empowered Metacom

"Plana has been a game-changer for our business. The integrated platform has improved our efficiency and data visibility, allowing us to make better decisions. We are confident that PLANA Business Cloud will continue to be a key driver of our success as we grow"

- Mario Dimitrov, CEO, Metacom Co - Ltd.

In the heart of Bulgaria's logistics landscape stands Econt, a titan among courier companies, entrusted with the intricate task of managing a vast supply chain network.With its continuous growth, Econt saw a golden opportunity to enhance its already robust logistics management. Recognizing the potential to innovate, Econt embarked on an exciting journey to modernize its operations and elevate its approach to logistics management.

Driving Efficiency, Empowering Collaboration, and Transforming Logistics Management

Aircon, importer and trader of industrial equipment and air conditioning systems in Germany, confronted operational inefficiencies stemming from fragmented processes and outdated systems. Seeking a comprehensive solution to unify their operations, Aircon engaged Plana Solutions, a leading tech firm, to implement an end-to-end ERP system.

Transforming Operations with PLANA Business Cloud at Aircon
Transforming Operations with PLANA Business Cloud at Aircon

"Experience the journey of Aircon, where operational chaos transformed into streamlined success with Plana. From frustration to efficiency, witness how our partnership revolutionized their operations, empowering them to deliver exceptional service and thrive in their industry"

- Nikola Dermendzhiev, CEO, AIRCON Gastro und Ladenbau GmbH

Dec 2, 2023

Zagatto signed a contract with Plana Solutions

ZAGATO Ltd. has been on the market for many years and is successfully developing in the Vending HoReCa and retail sectors, occupying a key position in the field of distribution and trade of high-quality vending products, coffee machines and consumables. The company provides a full range of equipment - automatic machines, bar machines, dose machines and coffee grinders - both new and second-hand. The exceptional reputation of ZAGATO, combined with the pursuit of a high standard of work, led the company to the decision to start implementing a new high-end ERP system. After almost 12 months of selection, the ZAGATO team chose PLANA SOLUTIONS as their partner in the path to digitization and modernization of business processes. The task is to build a successful system covering and automating al

Oct 27, 2020

Plana's participation in the 13th "National Conference on Transport Infrastructure"

On October 1, 2020, the 13th "National Conference on Transport Infrastructure with International Participation" was held in Nessebar, Bulgaria. The conference is the largest and most prestigious scientific and professional forum in the field of transport infrastructure in Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula and since 2007 has been organized by: Department of "Roads and Transport Facilities" at the UASG, Institute of Transport Construction and Infrastructure, The National Committee of Bulgaria at the World Road Association (PIARC) - Association "Bulgarian Forum on Transport Infrastructure". At the first session on the first day of the event with the theme "Digitalization - actual or necessary" with moderator: Eng. Nikolay Stankov - Advisor on Digitization in Construction to the Minister of th

Dec 18, 2019

SoftUni seminar: ERP vs. Digital transformation

On December 18, 2019, the executive director of Plana Solutions, Chudomir Monevski, gave a free seminar in Softuni on the topic of ERP vs Digital Transformation About the seminar If the "ERP" phenomenon has been among the trendy words in the daily life of corporations for decades, then "digital transformation" has literally announced our daily life in recent years. The two are as different as they go hand in hand. Could the eternal debate between business conservatism and new tech entrepreneurship be bridged? Of course. It all depends on properly collected, protected and quickly processed information in real time. Classical formulas in a modern reading are offered by open source ERP platforms. The lecture covered practical examples from one of the most famous open source platforms, Plana B

Jun 4, 2019

How artificial intelligence and Big Data are changing the world

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the appearance of the term Business Intelligence (BI) at the beginning of the week, the executive director of Plana Solutions, Chudomir Monevski, was a guest in the studio of "Business Start", broadcast on Boomberg TV Bulgaria, with host Hristo Nikolov. Фокус на дискусията бяха теми, като: - какво е бизнес интелиджънс - история и еволюция на бизнеса през годините - как изкуственият интелект и Big Data променят света. Тук може да чуете целият коментар . "Бъдещето на бизнеса е в машинното обучение" Чудомир Моневски, изпълнителен директор на Plana Solutions, „Бизнес старт“, 03.06.2019 г. Навършват се 150 години от появата на термина Business Intelligence (BI) , което означава, че са изминали точно толкова години от революцията в бизнеса, благодарени

Oct 16, 2018

Chudomir Monevski from Plana.Solutions with the "Business Leader 2018 - Digital Transformation" Award

Chudomir Monevski from Plana.Solutions with the "Business Leader 2018 - Digital Transformation" Award In a special interview for "Business Class" magazine, Chudomir told the story of the creation of Plana Solutions and how the company managed to stay on the market. Read the interview