3 Articles
plana ×
Dec 2, 2023

Zagatto signed a contract with Plana Solutions

ZAGATO Ltd. has been on the market for many years and is successfully developing in the Vending HoReCa and retail sectors, occupying a key position in the field of distribution and trade of high-quality vending products, coffee machines and consumables. The company provides a full range of equipment - automatic machines, bar machines, dose machines and coffee grinders - both new and second-hand. The exceptional reputation of ZAGATO, combined with the pursuit of a high standard of work, led the company to the decision to start implementing a new high-end ERP system. After almost 12 months of selection, the ZAGATO team chose PLANA SOLUTIONS as their partner in the path to digitization and modernization of business processes. The task is to build a successful system covering and automating al

Jun 4, 2019

How artificial intelligence and Big Data are changing the world

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the appearance of the term Business Intelligence (BI) at the beginning of the week, the executive director of Plana Solutions, Chudomir Monevski, was a guest in the studio of "Business Start", broadcast on Boomberg TV Bulgaria, with host Hristo Nikolov. Фокус на дискусията бяха теми, като: - какво е бизнес интелиджънс - история и еволюция на бизнеса през годините - как изкуственият интелект и Big Data променят света. Тук може да чуете целият коментар . "Бъдещето на бизнеса е в машинното обучение" Чудомир Моневски, изпълнителен директор на Plana Solutions, „Бизнес старт“, 03.06.2019 г. Навършват се 150 години от появата на термина Business Intelligence (BI) , което означава, че са изминали точно толкова години от революцията в бизнеса, благодарени

Oct 16, 2018

Chudomir Monevski from Plana.Solutions with the "Business Leader 2018 - Digital Transformation" Award

Chudomir Monevski from Plana.Solutions with the "Business Leader 2018 - Digital Transformation" Award In a special interview for "Business Class" magazine, Chudomir told the story of the creation of Plana Solutions and how the company managed to stay on the market. Read the interview